Our Work

As part of our most recent pilot in January 2015, we are working with 13 groups in Nakuru County, Kenya who are meeting regularly with our sales agents and making their repayments.

Shalom, Giwa Farm
We pitched to a very large group at Shalom. Initially we signed up one savings group, but once the lights were distributed two new groups were formed.
The Kenyan government is arranging for electricity connection to this community but it is still out of reach for many. People here often have to spend up to 40 Kenyan Shillings every day for kerosene.
Majani Mingi
Majani Mingi is a small community based around the sisal industry. Many of the people in the community are internally displaced due to post-election violence in 2007.
We formed 4 savings groups here - Malaika, Mwangaza, Kapkwes and Kaptembwa. Kaptembwa is the biggest group with 19 members. All of these groups are making regular repayments for their purchases and are keen for us to return with more products.

Angazia was given a very warm welcome at Rare, under the shade of a beautiful bougainvillea.
There are several active savings groups here and they were prepared to meet us. Together they formed a new group called “Ndulele Chini” (self-help group) which is exactly what they’re busily getting on with! The group tells us their biggest concern is access to water.

Lomolo is a community located on a vast sisal plantation. Most of the community members also work on the plantation, harvesting and manufacturing the sisal leaves into rope, twine and textiles.
We formed four new savings groups at Lomolo, “Testai” (progressing), “Kolongei” (growing), “Bendi Tai” (moving forward) and “Lomolo B”.

The Garilaya group at Gioto dumpsite is our biggest and one of our most successful groups. Lucy Wambui (see below) chairs the group and she runs a very tight ship. Garilaya’s repayments are made almost to the minute by their dedicated Treasurer Ndwati and Grace records all payments in her counter book.
A very ambitious group, they are constantly coming up with new ways to save money and improve their financial situation. We look forward to continued work with Garilaya into the future.
Gioto dumpsite
Lucy lives in the Gioto dump slum on the outskirts of Nakuru. She was one of Angazia's first customers. Lucy's savings group made all of their repayments in full and on time, and now she is able to use her safe, clean Mandarin Solar light, instead of a noxious kerosene lamp to light her home at night. Not only that, but Lucy and the other members of the group save money with their light which they are able to use for other things, such as food and school fees.
Today, Lucy's savings group is even bigger, with 28 members. They continue to meet and save for other life-improving products.